Англиска книжевност XIX век

University Goce Delcev, Faculty of Philology

English Language Department course: English Literature XIX century (Romanticism and Victorian literature)


Week 1

Introduction—Romanticism themes, http://agdc.ac.in/englishdep/pdf/romanticism.pdf

Wordsworth & Coleridge, ‘Preface to Lyrical Ballads

Further reading

  • Butler Marilyn. Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries: English Literature and its Background 1760-1830. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1981.
  • Campbell Patrick. Lyrical Ballads: Critical Perspective. Houndsmills and London: Macmillan; 1991.

Week 2

The Effects of Industrialization: William Blake, ‘The Lamb,’ ‘The Tyger,’ ‘London,’ 'The Chimney Sweeper' poems from the Songs of Innocence and The Songs of Experience poem collections  https://poets.org/poems/william-blake

Further reading

Week 3

Nature and Ecology: William Wordsworth, ‘My heart leaps up,’ ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud…(Daffodils),’ ‘Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, 1802,’ ‘The World is too much with us,’ 


Percy Shelley, ‘Ozymandias', https://poets.org/poems/percy-bysshe-shelley  

Further reading

Week 4 

Religion and the Supernatural: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’


Further reading

  • Jones, E. (1999). “‘Supernatural, or at least Romantic’: the ‘Ancient Mariner’ and parody.” Romanticism on the Net. Vol: 15 ISSN: 1916-1441
  • Miall, D. S. (1984). “Guilt and Death: The Predicament of ‘The Ancient Mariner’”. Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900. Vol. 24.

Week 5 

Orientalism and the Exotic, Lord Byron, excerpts from The Giaour https://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/indianocean/modules/group3/byron/gia.html

John Keats, “Ode on a Grecian Urn” https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44477/ode-on-a-grecian-urn

Further reading

  • Butler, M. (1990). "The Orientalism of Byron's The Giaour”. In Newey, V., Beatty, B. G. Eds.

Byron and the limits of fiction. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

  • Franklin, C. (1992). Byron’s Heroes. Michigan: Clarendon Press.

Week 6  

The Romantic Hero: Mary Shelley, https://www.planetebook.com/free-ebooks/frankenstein.pdf

Further reading

Week 7  

Vampires and Monsters: Lord Byron 'A Fragment of a Novel', Polidori 'The Vampyre'  and Frankenstein

Further reading

 Week 8

The Supernatural: Charles Dickens, 'A Christmas Carol'


Further reading

Week 9

The Victorian Society: Robert Louis Stevenson 'Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'


Further reading

Week 10

 Science and Deduction, Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes)


Further reading

Week 11

Victorian Science Fiction, H.G.Wells, The War of the Worlds https://www.gutenberg.org/files/36/36-h/36-h.htm

Further reading






