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Published papers in journals:
- Dimova Cena. (2015) Evaluation of apical foramen localisation of upper and lower molars. Science & Technologies, 5 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1314-4111
- Dimova Cena, Panova G, Zlatanovska K, Popovska L. (2015) Root canal morphology of maxillar and mandibular molars. Science & Technologies, 5 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 1314-4111
Participation at Congress, Conferences and Symposium (Oral and Poster Presentations):
- Dimova Cena, Panova G, Jovevska S. (2015) Evaluation of apical foramen localisation of maxillar and mandibular molars. In: ХХV-th Traditional International Scientific Conference, 4-5 June 2015, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. Poster.
- Dimova Cena, Zlatanovska K, Popovska L. (2015) Root canal morphology of upper and lower molars. In: ХХV-th Traditional International Scientific Conference, 4-5 June 2015, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. Poster.
- Dimova Cena, Rogoleva S, Novakoski V. (2015) Локализација на апикален форамен кај горни и долни молари.In: 22nd International Dental Student’s Scientific Congress, 22-24 May 2015, Ohrid, Macedonia. Poster.
- Dimova Cena, Zlatanovska K, Papakoca K, Kovacevska I. (2015) Anatomical Evaluation of Root Apex Morphology in Frontal Maxillary Teeth. In: New interdisciplinary approaches in oral and general rehabilitation: 20th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, 23-26 April 2015, Bucharest, Romania. Poster
- Dimova Cena, Kovacevska I, Popovska L, Zarkova J, Papakoca K, Zlatanovska K. (2014). Anatomical evaluation of root apex morphology. 16th International Symposium on Dental Morphology (ISDM) and 1st Congress of the International Association for Paleodontology (IAPO), 26–30 Aug 2014, Zagreb, Croatia. Speech.
- Dimova Cena, Kovacevska I, Veleski D, Sabanov E, Zarkova J, Zlatanovska K. (2014). E-learninig implementation of dental morphology in preclinical and clinical education process. Regional Higher Education Conference Quality of Assessment, Qualification and Evaluation in Higher Education, 20 June 2014, Tetovo, Macedonia. Speech.
- Dimova Cena. (2014). Апикална хирургија – можности, принципи, процедури. Симпозиум „Ендодонтска терапија – можност за зачувување на природниот заб”, 24 May 2014, Скопје, Македонија. Lecture.
- Dimova Cena, Papakoca K. (2014). Стоматологија базирана на докази. Научен симпозиум: „Медицина и стоматологија базирани на докази", 18 Oct 2014, Мултимедијален центар, Штип. Lecture.
- Dimova Cena, Kusevska M, Jovanovska D, Cenova M, Maksimovska K, Eftimova C, Toneva V. (2014). Observation assessment in clinical dental subjects. Regional Higher Education Conference Quality of Assessment, Qualification and Evaluation in Higher Education, 20 June 2014, Tetovo, Macedonia. Poster.
- Dimova Cena, Papakoca K, Kovacevska I, Evrosimovska B, Georgiev Z. (2014). Clinical evaluation of two different materials for retrograde root filling. 19th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society (BaSS), 24-27 Apr 2014, Belgrade, Serbia. Poster.