Family History of Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Complications in Pregnancy Due To Genetic Mutations-Case Reports


Introduction: Thrombophilia is a condition of increased possibility of thrombs formation. Due to hormonal changes and the fetus in pregnant women there is an increased risk of thrombosis, in combination with thrombophilia can lead to fetal loss. Selective thrombophilia screening based on previous personal and/or family history of venous thromboembolism is cost-effective and can prevent some complications like fetal loss, and gestational complications. Case Report: We are presenting two pregnant women with family history of thrombosis and venous disease and previously gestational complications. Discussion: Patients without a personal history of venous disease but with a family history of the same, and with complications of pregnancy in the form of miscarriage, IUGR and stillbirth, should be examined. Screening in these women will help prevent further complications. Conclusion: From our experience we can conclude that in women with complications in pregnancy and a positive history of venous disease should be considered into account the existence of thrombophilia. Diagnosing early also means starting thromboprophylaxis sooner which lead to increasing better maternal and perinatal outcomes.

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