Despot K, Sandeva V, Nikolovska V.
Application of industrial and post-industrial style–interior and exterior. 32 International conference for young scientis. 2023.
Sandeva V, Despot K, Nikolovska V.
The art in the development of modern park composition. 32 International conference management and quality. 2023.
Despot K, Sandeva V, Nikolovska V, Namiceva-Todorovska E.
Geomorphological Phenomenon Markovi Kuli-Prilep. Подекс-Повекс: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини. 2023:250-257.
Nikolovska V, Despot K, Sandeva V, Todorovska EN.
The importance of architectural accessibility in modern society. Natural Resources and Technology. 2023;17(1):43-48.
Todorovska EN, Sandeva V, Despot K, Nikolovska V.
Industrial brownfield sites and their urban regeneration. Natural Resources and Technology. 2023;17(1):33-42.
Sandeva V, Despot K, Namiceva-Todorovska E, Nikolovska V.
The influence of composition in geoparks. Подекс-Повекс: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини. 2023:258-266.