Opportunities and Methods for Energy Substitution, Savings and Efficiency Improvements in the Hotel Industry

Energy costs in modern hotels take substantial part of total operational costs. Therefore, energy efficiency increase and rational energy utilization in the hotel industry, which is strongly competitive and exposed to economic, climate and other factors, must be improved. Thus, the contemporary trends should be applied in the line of substitution of traditional fossil energy with renewable energy sources. Moreover, it is necessary to introduce “green energy” by applying latest methods for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in hotel industry.

This project attempts to undertake comprehensive analyses (field research, statistical and techno-economic analysis) of current status of energy utilization as well as allocating the energy costs in hotel industry. The project intends to implement a set of currently available and to create a set of newly developed techno-economic measures and methods for improving energy status of contemporary hotels by increasing the energy efficiency, maximal savings and energy substitution, thus leading to decrease of total operational costs in hotels. Moreover, the main aim of this project is todevelop and implement new energy policy as well as proposing up-to-date Measures and Action Plan for enhancing energy efficiency and providing economic sustainability and development of hotel industry.

The research results will have scientific and applicative justification. The research results will be in the line of identifying and developing a model of so called energy efficient hotel being fully applicative in the wider Balkan region where the climate is similar to ours.


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