ПРОЕКТ - Публикации


Објавен труд:

  1. Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Veselinova, Elena and Fotov, Risto and Gruevski, Ilija (2016) Readiness of municipalities in the developing countries for issue of municipal bonds through the analysis of their budget accounts (overview of the municipality of Stip - R.Macedonia). International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS), 2 (8). pp. 44-47. ISSN 2394-7926, IF 1,05
  2. Gruevski, Ilija and Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Veselinova, Elena and Fotov, Risto (2016) Evaluation of underwriter's municipal bond purchase proposal (predetermination of the proceedings in the case of eventual negotiated sale of municipal bonds in the city of Shtip). International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS), 2 (12). pp. 11-17. ISSN 2394-7926, IF 1,05
  3. Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Fotov, Risto and Gruevski, Ilija and Veselinova, Elena (2015) SWOT analysis of the emmision of municipal bonds in the Republic of Macedonia (comparative with the Republic of Croatia). Academics World 10-th International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 23-26. ISSN 978-93-85832-62-8
  4. Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Veselinova, Elena and Fotov, Risto and Gruevski, Ilija and Binovski, Risto (2017) ANALYSIS OF MUNICIPALITIES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND THEIR ABILITY FOR USING MUNICIPAL BONDS AS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY OF FUNDING (overview of Municipality of Stip, Republic of Macedonia). Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 5 (2), ISSN 2392-8042. In press
  5. Veselinova Elena, Gogova Samonikov, Marija, Fotov, Risto Gruevski, Ilija and Binovski, Risto (2017) The Efficient Use of Municipal Bonds: Investing in a Rehabilitation and Spa Center. In press
  6. Fotov, Risto, Gogova Samonikov, Marija, Veselinova, Elena, Gruevski, Ilija and Binovski, Risto (2017)  Општинските обврзници како алтернативен извор за финансирање и ефикасно менаџирање со прибраните средства за локален економски развој со посебен осврт на општина Штип, Економски факултет, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип, In press
  7. Gruevski, Ilija and Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Veselinova, Elena and Fotov, Risto (2017) Municipal bonds as an alternative source of funding and effective management of collected funds for local economic development with special reference to Municipality of Stip, LAP - Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. In press