Short BIO

Biljana Balabanova is an associate professor at the Faculty of Agriculture at the University "Goce Delchev" in Stip. She received her PhD in 2014 in the area of analytical and environmental chemistry. Her main field of teaching is basic chemistry and biochemistry for the students from biotechnical, technical-technological and medical sciences. For more than 15 years she has been intensively involved in research work for monitoring and identification of polluted areas as well as developing and introducing analytical methodologies with implementation of atomic and mass spectrometry. She is the author of more than 100 scientific research studies, chapters and scientific monographs. Her research work has been cited from more than 600 scientific workers.  Based on her intensive international cooperation, she contributes to several international network programs and projects. She has been project coordinator in three bilateral projects. In 2018 she was awarded as honorary professor at Shenyang University in China. In the same year she was awarded by the municipality of Stip for a special contribution in the affirmation of the city of Stip in the field of science. She continuously supports the development of the young enthusiastic population from the Universities and youth organizations.