
Panev K, Djagaduroski A. Subsidized Employment - Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Subsidized Employment with Exemption of Taxes to Young Unemployed People up to 29 years old, in Economic Forum: "How are people's money spent?" - Creating Evidence-Based Policies. Skopje, Macedonia: Finance Think, FISCAST - Fiscal Accountability, Sustainability and Transparency in Macedonia; 2016:104-123. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Despite the positive trends achieved in the last few years, high unemployment is still one of the worst indicators of the success of the applied macroeconomic and social policy of the state from independence until today. The indicators for the degree of unemployment among young people up to 29 years old (the age immediately after formal education) are particularly unfavorable. Unemployment in these years is one of the main reasons for young people leaving abroad. The motive is clear - employment is sought. The employment of young people in the homeland will reduce the trend of emigration, but it will also positively affect several segments of the socioeconomic life in the country. To encourage the employment of young people from 15 to 29 years old, the state applies several measures and policies, and one of them is the subsidized employment of unemployed young people up to 29 years old through the regime of exemption from social contributions. Encouraged by the initial results of this measure, the new Action Plan for the employment of young people for the period 2016-2020 foresees its extension. For now, this has not been translated into a specific legislative framework. The new Action Plan for the employment of young people for the period 2016-2020 (pages 26 and 33) provides for the extension of the measure after 2016 with the following parameters: planned employment of 3,000 people aged 15 to 29 and a budget in the amount of 2,040 .000 euros. The effects of the planned measures and policy for the employment of young people up to 29 years of age will depend on the successful implementation of the overall planned measures for the socioeconomic development of the country. The subject of our interest is the measure for the subsidized employment of unemployed young people up to 29 years old through the form of exemption from paying contributions, by the defined legal provisions. The subject analysis of costs and benefits aims to evaluate the costs and benefits of the implementation of the measure “Subsidized employment of unemployed young people up to 29 years old” through exemption from contributions. The measure is part of the state's policy to reduce unemployment and is governed by provisions of the Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance (Articles 98-b and 98-c), which have limited application from March 2014 to March 2016. The analysis is structured in an introduction and eight main sections: 1. Trends 2. Legal framework 3. Terms and conditions for using the measure 4. Facts about the measure 5. Cost-benefit analysis 6. Qualitative analysis 7. Conclusion 8. Recommendations
Duvlis S, Noveski P, Memeti S, Osmani D, Ivkovski L, Prodanova I, Dabeski D, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Association of IL-10-592C>A polymorphism with decreased risk for cervical intraepithelial lessions and cervical cancer in Macedonian woman, in 30th International Papillomavirus Conference and Clinic and Public Health Workshops. Lisbon; 2015.
Ramsauer B, Engels G, Arsov S, Hadimeri H, Sikole A, Graaff R, Stegmayr B. Comparing changes in plasma and skin autofluorescence in low-flux versus high-flux hemodialysis. The International Journal of Artificial Organs. 2015;38:488–493.
Najdoski M, Koleva V, Stojkovikj S, Todorovski T. Electrochromic thin films of sodium intercalated vanadium (V) oxide xerogels: Chemical bath deposition and characterization. Surface and Coatings Technology [Internet]. 2015;277:308-317. Publisher's VersionAbstract
An optimized chemical bath method is applied to obtain well-structured thin films with composition Na0.33V2O5·nH2O (n = 1 and 1.3). The method is based on a controlled precipitation reaction that takes place in the system of sodium metavanadate and diethyl sulfate at 85 °C. The film structure, morphology and the changes occurring during prolonged aging are examined by XRDIR spectroscopy, TG-DTA, SEM and AFM. The electrochemical and electrochromic properties are studied by cyclic voltammetryand UV–vis spectroscopy. The as-deposited thin films are characterized with high optical transmittance varying between 40 and 70% at the 500 nm visible region in dependence on film thickness. The Na0.33V2O5·nH2O thin films exhibit stable electrochemical cycling combined with relatively high electrochromic activity. The reproducibility of the transmittance variance of 55% after 500 cycles in the electrochromic cell is a promising result for the potential application of Na0.33V2O5·nH2O thin films in electrochromic devices.
Duvlis S, Osmani D, Memeti S. HPV 56, frequent HPV genotype in R Macedonia, in Medipiet, Annual Scientific Conference (ASC 2015) . Skopje; 2015.
Duvlis S, Popovska-Jankovic K, Sarafinovska-Arsova Z, Memeti S, Popeska Z, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. HPV E6/7 mRNA versus HPV DNA biomarker in cervical cancer screening of a group of Macedonian women. Journal of medical virology. 2015;87:1578-1586.
Arsov S, Trajceska L, van Oeveren W, Smit AJ, Dzekova P, Stegmayr B, Sikole A, Rakhorst G, Graaff R. The influence of body mass index on the accumulation of advanced glycation end products in hemodialysis patients. European journal of clinical nutrition. 2015;69:309–313.
Arsov S, Graaff R, van Oeveren W, Stegmayr B, Sikole A, Rakhorst G, Smit AJ. Advanced glycation end-products and skin autofluorescence in end-stage renal disease: a review. Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. 2014;52:11–20.
Despot K, Sandeva V. Bionics in industrial design. Journal of the Faculty of Technics and Technologies. 2014;2(3):309-316.
Stojkovikj S, Koleva V, Najdoski M. Chemical deposition of nano-sized electrochromic thin films of Na0.33V2O5 ∙ H2O xerogels. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Nanostructured materials application and innovation transfer [Internet]. 2014;14:67-69. Publisher's Version
Despot K, Sandeva V, Petrovik V. Radial symetry base for decorative design. XXIII International Conference for Young Scientists 2014. 2014:31-42.
Sandeva V, Despot K. Role of industrial design in the process of product development. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education. 2014;2(3):300-309.
Najdoski M, Stojkovikj S. A simple microscale gas generation apparatus - Sencillo aparato de generación de gas para los experimentos de microescala. Journal of Science Education [Internet]. 2014;15(1):49-50. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This article presents a new safe, cheap and attractive microscale gas generation method that is expected to find place in the primary and secondary schools. Microscale gas generation apparatus consists of plastic syringe, Beral pipette and small plastic or glass test tube on a stand. The pipette has a role of a chemical reactor, which generatesgas and delivers it into a test tube where reaction takes place. Gas generation is based on chemical reaction between liquid substance, which is inserted with syringe and needle into the pipette bulb with liquid or solid substance previously placed in it. A large number of interesting and vivid microscale experiments can be performed using this kind of apparatus and many gases can be generated.
Graaff R, Arsov S, Ramsauer B, Koetsier M, Sundvall N, Engels GE, Sikole A, Lundberg L, Rakhorst G, Stegmayr B. Skin and plasma autofluorescence during hemodialysis: a pilot study. Artificial organs. 2014;38:515–518.
Arsov S. Advanced glycation end-products in hemodialysis patients. 2013.
Arsov S, Trajceska L, van Oeveren W, Smit AJ, Dzekova P, Stegmayr B, Sikole A, Rakhorst G, Graaff R. Increase in S kin A utofluorescence and Release of Heart-Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein in Plasma Predicts Mortality of Hemodialysis Patients. Artificial organs. 2013;37:E114–E122.
Deanoska A, Mujoska E. The Istanbul (CAHVIO) Convention and the Criminal Law Protection of the Children from Sexual Violence. Macedonian Review for Criminal Law and Criminology . 2013;1(20):163.
Stojkovikj S, Najdoski M, Koleva V, Demiri S. Preparation of electrochromic thin films by transformation of manganese (II) carbonate. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids [Internet]. 2013;74(10):1433-1438. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A new chemical bath method for deposition of manganese(II) carbonate thin film on electroconductive FTO glass substrates is designed. The homogeneous thin films with thickness in the range of 70 to 500 nm are deposited at about 98 °C from aqueous solution containing urea and MnCl2. The chemical process is based on a low temperature hydrolysis of the manganese complexes with urea. Three types of films are under consideration: as-deposited, annealed and electrochemically transformed thin films. The structure of the films is studied by XRD, IR and Raman spectroscopy. Electrochemical and optical properties are examined in eight different electrolytes (neutral and alkaline) and the best results are achieved in two component aqueous solution of 0.1 M KNO3 and 0.01 M KOH. It is established that the as-deposited MnCO3film undergoes electrochemically transformation into birnessite-type manganese(IV) oxide films, which exhibit electrochromic color changes (from bright brown to pale yellow and vice versa) with 30% difference in the transmittance of the colored and bleached state at 400 nm.
Usvyat LA, Raimann J, Thijssen S, van der Sande FM, Kooman J, Levin NW, Kotanko P, Von Gersdorff G, Schaller M, Bayh I, et al. Nutrition, inflammation and oxidative stress-CKD 5D. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2012;27:ii295.
A simple chemical method for deposition of electrochromic potassium manganese oxide hydrate thin films. 2012.Abstract
A new chemical method for fast deposition of electrochromically active thin films of birnessite-type potassium manganese oxide (K0.27MnO2·xH2O) has been developed. The chemical deposition has been performed at room temperature by a reaction of aqueous solutions of potassium permanganate and manganese(II) chloride. The prepared thin films have thickness from 50 to 250 nm depending on the number of the deposition cycles. The composition and the structure of the K-birnessite films are studied by XRD, IR spectroscopy and TG/DTA analyses. Electrochemical studies using four different electrolytes such as aqueous K2SO4, Li2SO4, KNO3, and LiClO4 in PC have been performed. The electrochromic activity has been explored by cyclic voltammetry and VIS spectrometry. The best electrochromic properties are obtained using aqueous KNO3, where the difference in the transmittance at 400 nm between the bleached and colored state is 40% for both as-deposited and annealed films. The obtained data allow the prepared K-birnessite thin films in aqueous KNO3 electrolyte to be proposed as a promising system for electrochromic applications.
