
Duvlis S, Dabeski D, Noveski P, Ivkovski L, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Association of IL-10 (rs1800872) and IL-4R (rs1805010) polymorphisms with cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical carcinomas. JBUON. 2020;25(1):132-14.
Duvlis S, Dabeski D, Cvetkovski A, Mladenovska K, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Association of TNF-a (rs361525 and rs1800629) with susceptibility to cervical intraepithelial lesion and cervical carcinoma in women from Republic of North Macedonia. International Journal of Immunogenetics. 2020;47(6):522-528.
Najdoski M, Oklevski S, Demiri S, Stojkovikj S. Cuprous sulfide deposition method for visualization of latent fingermarks on unfired cartridge cases. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society [Internet]. 2020;67(8):1415-1422. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A new chemical method for visualization of latent fingermarks on unfired cartridge cases is reported in this research. The method is based on two-step immersion of the cartridge cases in aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid and acidified sodium thiosulfate at room temperature. The chemical reactions that are occurring on the cartridge case's surface are leading to deposition of material in the furrows between the papillary line ridges thus visualizing the latent fingermark. The qualitative chemical composition of the as-deposited material was studied using X-ray powder diffraction analysis thus revealing that it corresponds to a low-crystalline hexagonal chalcocite phase cuprous sulfide (Cu2S). The performance of the method was studied on fresh and aged fingermarks, and according to the results, it can visualize latent fingermarks that are up to 9 months old. The newly proposed method provides good performance considering the most important qualitative and quantitative parameters that describe each fingermark, that is, satisfactory contrast between the papillary line ridges and the background furrows, possibility of recognizing the pattern of each fingermark (arch, loop, and whorl), clarity and continuity of the friction ridges, and clarity of the second level characteristics and features. The proposed method is simple, fast, inexpensive, and reliable.
Perez LPC, Arndt A, Stojkovikj S, Mayer MT. Cu-Sn Bimetallic CO2Reduction Catalysts: Assembling the Puzzle of How Composition, Structure, Morphology and Speciation Affect Activity and Selectivity, in PRiME 2020 (ECS, ECSJ, & KECS Joint Meeting) October 4, 2020 - October 9, 2020. online: ECS - The Electrochemical Society; 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In the field of electrochemical reduction of CO2 (CO2ER) Cu and oxide derived OD-Cu electrocatalysts have been widely studied due to their unique capability to produce high added value products, such as CO, hydrocarbons and alcohols, albeit with relatively low selectivity.1 Cu-M bimetallic catalysts are a promising approach to break scaling relations among key intermediates and modulate the CO2ER selectivity. In the past 5 years, several studies on the CO2ER activity of Cu-Sn bimetallic catalysts have demonstrated remarkably high selectivities towards CO2,3 or formate.4,5In general, comparison of several studies employing various Cu-Sn stoichiometries shows that Sn-poor catalysts are typically selective towards CO production, while Sn-rich catalysts favor formate (HCOO⁻). However, the specific optimal compositions leading to high activity towards CO or formate vary significantly among reports. 6–8 Furthermore, the mechanistic origins of the selectivity differences among Cu-Sn catalysts remains a topic of debate. Trends in product selectivity have been ascribed to aspects including composition, lattice effects,7charge redistribution among metals in alloy structures,9 oxidation states,4,8 and the resulting effects on adsorption strength of key intermediates (e.g. *COOH, *OCHO, *CO, *H) directing selectivity among H2, CO and HCOO⁻. A comparison of the relevant literature has allowed us to establish common trends in CO2ER activity of Cu-Sn of various morphologies, synthetic procedures and speciation (Oxide derived vs Alloy materials) and identify points of controversy and key open questions that might help unifying the understanding of the activation of CO2 on Cu-Sn bimetallics. At the center of the debate is the persistence of oxidized metal sites during CO2ER and the precise nature of the active site. A major challenge in this regard, is the complex dependence of catalyst structure and composition with applied electrochemical bias. In this context, we explore X-ray spectroscopies as powerful tools to investigate the chemical environment and oxidation state of metal sites Sn and Cu in bimetallic electrocatalysts. By correlating diverse X-ray spectroscopy methods (soft and hard X-ray absorption (XAS) techniques, as well as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)), complementary information can be obtained on the chemical environment of metal sites in an electrocatalyst bulk and surface. We report our study on the dependence of structure and composition on applied electrochemical potential in Sn-functionalized Cu catalysts, achieved by combining in situ hard XAS, ex situ soft-XAS and XPS toward building a more complete picture of this model catalyst system.
Abouserie A, El-Nagar GA, Heyne B, Günter C, Schilde U, Mayer MT, Stojkovikj S, Roth C, Taubert A. Facile Synthesis of Hierarchical CuS and CuCo2S4Structures from an Ionic Liquid Precursor for Electrocatalysis Applications. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [Internet]. 2020;12(47):52560-52570. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Covellite-phase CuS and carrollite-phase CuCo2S4 nano- and microstructures were synthesized from tetrachloridometallate-based ionic liquid precursors using a novel, facile, and highly controllable hot-injection synthesis strategy. The synthesis parameters including reaction time and temperature were first optimized to produce CuS with a well-controlled and unique morphology, providing the best electrocatalytic activity toward the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). In an extension to this approach, the electrocatalytic activity was further improved by incorporating Co into the CuS synthesis method to yield CuCo2S4microflowers. Both routes provide high microflower yields of >80 wt %. The CuCo2S4 microflowers exhibit a superior performance for the OER in alkaline medium compared to CuS. This is demonstrated by a lower onset potential (∼1.45 V vs RHE @10 mA/cm2), better durability, and higher turnover frequencies compared to bare CuS flowers or commercial Pt/C and IrO2 electrodes. Likely, this effect is associated with the presence of Co3+ sites on which a better adsorption of reactive species formed during the OER (e.g., OH, O, OOH, etc.) can be achieved, thus reducing the OER charge-transfer resistance, as indicated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements.
Dzeparoski M. Herbal food supplements safety and future regulation challenges. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin [Internet]. 2020;66(Suppl. 1):189-190. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A general framework for safety assessment is proposed by the EFSAs Scientific Committee, in which botanicals or botanical preparations for which an adequate body of knowledge exists could benefit from a “presumption of safety” without any need for further testing, based on long history of use without reported adverse effects and without significant larger exposition. Botanicals and botanical preparations for which a presumption of safety is not possible based on available knowledge would be subject to a more extensive safety assessment, requiring additional data to be provided. For these preparations with a potential to contain toxic, addictive, psychotropic or other substances that may be of concern (given in the Compendium), presumption of safety can be applied only if there is convincing evidence that these undesirable substances in the specific plant parts or preparations are either absent in the source material, or significantly reduced if not excluded, or inactivated during processing (EFSA Journal, 2009).
Demerdzieva A, pop-Jordanova N. HISTORY INFORMATION’S ARE INDISPENSABLE IN DEVELOPMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF CHILDREN. CONTRIBUTIONS. Sec. of Med. Sci., XLI 1, 2020 [Internet]. 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract
For achieving the good health and wellbeing for all children, the main role of pediatrician and other health care professionals is to follow their development. We implemented developmental monitoring for 465 children at the age of 12 - 60 months, in the period of 4 years (2016 - 2019), using standard algorithm in which start is always with child history. It should be comprehensive, and must include a detailed prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal history. Obtained results showed that 16.13% of participants have some serious illness in family history, and the same percentage (16.13%) manifested serious perinatal problems which imposed the support in intensive care unit. Breastfeed are 49,46 % of children. Only 7,53 % are not completely vaccinated. About the parameters for the development, we obtained that 11,83 % were not walking at the time of the assessment, and 65,81 % were not speaking. Toilet control was negative, and in 75,27 % they still were wearing diapers. Allergic manifestations at the time when the assessment was done is present in 8,60%. Finally, serious illness in child past history was positive in 19.35 % of evaluated sample. We concluded that a good history is needed and indispensable in the assessment process, particularly when exogenous causes are identified as the risk for the developmental delay. Obtained positive answers are directory for further investigation as well to correlate risk-consequences relationship.
Duvlis S, Dabeski D, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Impact of TP53 (rs1042522) and MDM2 (rs2279744) polymorphisms on cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical cancer in North Macedonian women, in European Human Genetics Virtual Conference . Berlin; 2020.
Stojkovikj S, Oklevski S, Jasuja OP, Najdoski M. Visualization of latent fingermarks on thermal paper: A new method based on nitrogen dioxide treatment. Forensic Chemistry [Internet]. 2020;17:100196. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A new chemical method for visualization of latent fingermarks on thermal paper, based on a treatment with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) gas, is presented in this work. The gas is generated by a reaction between zinc and diluted nitric acid in a closed chamber. This newly proposed method does not require fingermark’s fixation reagent after the treatment with NO2 i.e. the visualized fingermark remains permanent for more than one week and without any changes in its quality. The general visualization mechanism is based on providing acidic conditions in order to induce tautomeric transformation of the leuco dye’s molecules in the thermal layer, accompanied by a color change of the papillary lines throughout the whole fingermark. The NO2 method provides satisfactory contrast between the visualized fingermarks and the background surface i.e. thermal layer. The visualized fingermarks are qualified with high clarity and continuity of the friction ridges, and clarity of the 2nd level characteristics. The proposed method was evaluated by dactyloscopic comparison of the number of 2nd level characteristics and according to the results it can be exemplified with high identification capacity. The proposed method is simple, safe, cheap, non-destructive, non-time consuming, applicable for visualization of aged fingermarks, and potentially applicable under terrain (field) conditions in real forensic casework.
Цветковски Александар, Смилоков Катерина, Ацковска Даринка Ѓо, Дракалска Елена, Дувлис Сотирија, Ангеловска Бистра. Улога на интестиналните транспортери во унапредување на биорасположливоста на лековите. Фармацевтски Информатор. 2020;20(56):44-50.
Duvlis S, Dabeski D, Ivkovski L, Memeti S, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Association between HPV persistent infection and TNFa rs361525 and rs1800629 polymorphisms, in 11 th Balkan Congress of Microbiology. Tirana; 2019.
Demerdzieva A, pop-Jordanova N. BRAIN RATE PARAMETER IN CHILDREN WITH GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDER. CONTRIBUTIONS. Sec. of Med. Sci., XL 1, 2019 [Internet]. 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Introduction: Brain rate is parameter correlated to brain electric and metabolic activity. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the results obtained for brain rate parameter as an indicator for general mental arousal in anxious patients and to compare them with results of healthy young people matched in age and gender, as well as with anorectic and hyperactive children. Material and Methods: The diagnosis for all examinees was made according two statistic manuals (DMSIV-R and ICD-10), medical history, neuropsychological assessment, biochemical analysis and QEEG. In this study we examined the spectra power of the brain waves through quantified EEG (QEEG). The obtained results were exported to brain rate software and then calculated for each region separately. The QEEG spectra power data and the brain rate data were analyzed using Statistica software. Results: According to sagittal and lateral topography maximal values of brain rate parameter were obtained in group of healthy individuals and in group of anorectic patients. The lowest results were obtained in group of hyperactive children for all three regions. Conclusions: The general conclusion will be that pathological conditions in childhood, analyzed in this research, can be defined as conditions of hypoarausal and this can be specific sign of brain dysfunction.
Dabeski D, Duvlis S, Basheska N, Antovska V, Stojoski M, Trajanova M, Dimitrov G, Dabeska A, Gureva-Georgievska N. Comparison Between HPV DNA Testing and HPV E6/E7 mRNA Testing in Women with Squamous Cell Abnormalities of the Uterine Cervix. Prilozi. 2019;40(1):51-58.
Драмското творештво на Маџунков е податливо за толкување од многу аспекти, во зависност од тоа, што поставил во својот фокус на истражување истражувачот. Таа податливост е само доказ за повеќеслојноста на текстот и можноста, лупејќи ги горните слоеви на текстот, истражувачот да дојде до она потповршинското, каде што почиваат скриените значења на симболите и на претставите. Токму ова последното беше предизвик за нас, а секое подлабинско сондирање на книжевен текст неминовно нè води до соочување со митолошките претстави, кои, во суштина, се основа и на целокупната литература што ја создал човекот од своите прапочетоци до денес.
Научните истражувања за шаманизмот и неговите реликти неспорно доведоа до заклучокот дека дејствувањето на шаманите во древните цивилизации оставило длабока трага во современите обредни практики. Соочувањето и справувањето со невидливите сили на злото, заштитата на заедницата и нејзината егзистенција, биле врвен приоритет на нашите предци. Русалиските игри, кои се изведувале на територијата на Балканскиот Полуостров, денес не се среќаваат во нивната изворна форма. Но,во колективната меморија тие остануваат да постојат како обреди кои ги обединува една единствена цел: да се заштити заедницата од злото, да се обезбеди плодородие и здравје за болните. Обредните игри кои се практикувале со цел ослободување на човекот од демоните, несомнено се игри од шамански тип. Русалискиот обреден комплекс, кој некогаш бил нераскинливо врзан за скутот на македонската народна традиција, најдиректно е засведочен во записот на Кузман Шапкарев (1834 – 1909)во 1884 година.
Duvlis S, Dabeski D, Memeti S, Maleva-Kostovska I, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. IL4R I75V polymorphism with susceptibility to HPV infection, cervical lesion and cervical cancer among women living in North Macedonia, in EUROGIN 2019, International multidisciplinary HPV conference. Monte Carlo, France; 2019.
Stojkovikj S, Najdoski M, Sefer B, Mirčeski V. Non–enzymatic Amperometric Sensor for H2O2 Based on MnCO3 Thin Film Electrodes. Croatica Chemica Acta [Internet]. 2019;91(4):567-575. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The present study describes development of a non–enzymatic amperometric sensor for detection of H2O2 based on MnCO3 thin film electrodes. The film was deposited on electroconductive FTO coated glass substrates using simple chemical bath deposition method. The phase composition of the thin film was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. The electrochemical properties and the sensor sensitivity towards H2O2 were examined using cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution with pH = 7.5. It was revealed that the sensing mechanism is based on electrocatalytic oxidation of H2O2, involving Mn species as redox mediators. According to the results, the best sensor response towards H2O2 was found at E = +0.25 V, with detection limit and sensor sensitivity of 10.0 µM and 2.64 µA cm–2 mM–1 (for the range of 0.09–1.8 mM), respectively, associated with R2 = 0.999.
Ramsauer B, Graaff R, Sikole A, Trajceska L, Lundström S, Arsov S, Hadimeri H, Stegmayr B. Skin autofluorescence, a measure of cumulative metabolic stress and advanced glycation end products, decreases during the summer in dialysis patients. Artificial Organs. 2019;43:173–180.
Popova G, Boskovska K, Arnaudova-Danevska I, Smilevska-Spasova O, Jakovska T. Sputum Quality Assessment Regarding Sputum Culture for Diagnosing Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2019;7(12):1. Publisher's VersionAbstract
BACKGROUND: The clinical relevance of specimens from the lower airways is often debatable. However, they are most commonly examined for diagnosing lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs). AIM: This study aimed to determine the diagnostic value of sputum quality assessment about sputum culture for diagnosing LRTIs in children. METHODS: In six months, a total of 1485 sputum samples were quality assessed by using Bartlett’s grading system. All samples, regardless of their quality, were cultured, identified, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by Kirby-Bauer disc-diffusion method. RESULTS: Among the acceptable category, defined by Bartlett’s grading system, 132 (63.2%) samples showed culture positivity of which Streptococcus pneumoniae 48 (36.4%) was most commonly isolated, followed by Moraxella catarrhalis 22 (16.7%) and Haemophilus influenza 21 (15.9%). Among the non-acceptable category, 185 (14.5%) samples were culture positive of which most commonly isolated were Escherichia coliStaphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with 64 (34.6%), 54 (29.2%) and 28 (15.1%), respectively. CONCLUSION: Sputum quality assessment is a useful tool for distinguishing the true respiratory pathogens from possible colonising flora for which antibiotic treatment should not be highly considered. Keywords: Sputum culture, Quality assessment, Streptococcus pneumoniaeEscherichia coli
Ringaceva AV-. ЕРОТСКИОТ ФОЛКЛОР КАКО АКТУЕЛЕН ПРЕДИЗВИК (Иван Котев, Играле моми по месечина, Eротска народна поезија и проза од Струмица и Струмичко, Стр. Spektar 73/2019 [Internet]. 2019:159-166. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Играле моми по месечина е книга што ја пополнува големата празнина кога говориме за македонскиот еротски фолклор. Знаејќи дека еротскиот нагон е она скриено жарче што тлее во секој еден потенцијален информатор, Котев многу умешно, со големо трпение, ги мотивира информаторите да се отворат и да го кажат сето она што го знаат.Сериозниот и суштински пристап кон елаборација на стожерните теми од македонскиот еротски фолклор е предизвик што го прифатиле големи авторитети пред нас. Да се проучува оној сегмент од фолклористиката кој дава најпрецизна слика за целокупниот општествен, економски, културен развој на едно општество, значи да се придонесе во исцртување на психолошкиот профил на човекот, кој со векови опстојува на оваа почва. Проучувањата на еротскиот фолклор во рамките на современите научни истражувања стануваат сè подлабоки и поактуелни, иако во минатото имало обиди тој да се премолчи или да се сведе на минимум неговото значење.
