
Научните истражувања за шаманизмот и неговите реликти неспорно доведоа до заклучокот дека дејствувањето на шаманите во древните цивилизации оставило длабока трага во современите обредни практики. Соочувањето и справувањето со невидливите сили на злото, заштитата на заедницата и нејзината егзистенција, биле врвен приоритет на нашите предци. Русалиските игри, кои се изведувале на територијата на Балканскиот Полуостров, денес не се среќаваат во нивната изворна форма. Но,во колективната меморија тие остануваат да постојат како обреди кои ги обединува една единствена цел: да се заштити заедницата од злото, да се обезбеди плодородие и здравје за болните. Обредните игри кои се практикувале со цел ослободување на човекот од демоните, несомнено се игри од шамански тип. Русалискиот обреден комплекс, кој некогаш бил нераскинливо врзан за скутот на македонската народна традиција, најдиректно е засведочен во записот на Кузман Шапкарев (1834 – 1909)во 1884 година.
Duvlis S, Dabeski D, Memeti S, Maleva-Kostovska I, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. IL4R I75V polymorphism with susceptibility to HPV infection, cervical lesion and cervical cancer among women living in North Macedonia, in EUROGIN 2019, International multidisciplinary HPV conference. Monte Carlo, France; 2019.
Stojkovikj S, Najdoski M, Sefer B, Mirčeski V. Non–enzymatic Amperometric Sensor for H2O2 Based on MnCO3 Thin Film Electrodes. Croatica Chemica Acta [Internet]. 2019;91(4):567-575. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The present study describes development of a non–enzymatic amperometric sensor for detection of H2O2 based on MnCO3 thin film electrodes. The film was deposited on electroconductive FTO coated glass substrates using simple chemical bath deposition method. The phase composition of the thin film was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. The electrochemical properties and the sensor sensitivity towards H2O2 were examined using cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution with pH = 7.5. It was revealed that the sensing mechanism is based on electrocatalytic oxidation of H2O2, involving Mn species as redox mediators. According to the results, the best sensor response towards H2O2 was found at E = +0.25 V, with detection limit and sensor sensitivity of 10.0 µM and 2.64 µA cm–2 mM–1 (for the range of 0.09–1.8 mM), respectively, associated with R2 = 0.999.
Ramsauer B, Graaff R, Sikole A, Trajceska L, Lundström S, Arsov S, Hadimeri H, Stegmayr B. Skin autofluorescence, a measure of cumulative metabolic stress and advanced glycation end products, decreases during the summer in dialysis patients. Artificial Organs. 2019;43:173–180.
Popova G, Boskovska K, Arnaudova-Danevska I, Smilevska-Spasova O, Jakovska T. Sputum Quality Assessment Regarding Sputum Culture for Diagnosing Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2019;7(12):1. Publisher's VersionAbstract
BACKGROUND: The clinical relevance of specimens from the lower airways is often debatable. However, they are most commonly examined for diagnosing lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs). AIM: This study aimed to determine the diagnostic value of sputum quality assessment about sputum culture for diagnosing LRTIs in children. METHODS: In six months, a total of 1485 sputum samples were quality assessed by using Bartlett’s grading system. All samples, regardless of their quality, were cultured, identified, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by Kirby-Bauer disc-diffusion method. RESULTS: Among the acceptable category, defined by Bartlett’s grading system, 132 (63.2%) samples showed culture positivity of which Streptococcus pneumoniae 48 (36.4%) was most commonly isolated, followed by Moraxella catarrhalis 22 (16.7%) and Haemophilus influenza 21 (15.9%). Among the non-acceptable category, 185 (14.5%) samples were culture positive of which most commonly isolated were Escherichia coliStaphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with 64 (34.6%), 54 (29.2%) and 28 (15.1%), respectively. CONCLUSION: Sputum quality assessment is a useful tool for distinguishing the true respiratory pathogens from possible colonising flora for which antibiotic treatment should not be highly considered. Keywords: Sputum culture, Quality assessment, Streptococcus pneumoniaeEscherichia coli
Ringaceva AV-. ЕРОТСКИОТ ФОЛКЛОР КАКО АКТУЕЛЕН ПРЕДИЗВИК (Иван Котев, Играле моми по месечина, Eротска народна поезија и проза од Струмица и Струмичко, Стр. Spektar 73/2019 [Internet]. 2019:159-166. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Играле моми по месечина е книга што ја пополнува големата празнина кога говориме за македонскиот еротски фолклор. Знаејќи дека еротскиот нагон е она скриено жарче што тлее во секој еден потенцијален информатор, Котев многу умешно, со големо трпение, ги мотивира информаторите да се отворат и да го кажат сето она што го знаат.Сериозниот и суштински пристап кон елаборација на стожерните теми од македонскиот еротски фолклор е предизвик што го прифатиле големи авторитети пред нас. Да се проучува оној сегмент од фолклористиката кој дава најпрецизна слика за целокупниот општествен, економски, културен развој на едно општество, значи да се придонесе во исцртување на психолошкиот профил на човекот, кој со векови опстојува на оваа почва. Проучувањата на еротскиот фолклор во рамките на современите научни истражувања стануваат сè подлабоки и поактуелни, иако во минатото имало обиди тој да се премолчи или да се сведе на минимум неговото значење.
Panev K. Контрола на концентрации како инструмент за заштита на конкуренцијата. Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Stip. 2019.Abstract
Competition law nowadays is becoming an increasingly important branch of law in the global society. The development of the global market, new technologies, and innovation requires a quick and effective response from the competition authorities in order to maintain effective competition on the market; thus to protect the consumers. Competition law in the European Union has been a core competency since its foundation. The European Commission plays a central role in the development of competition policy and the enforcement of EU competition law. In order to protect effective competition in the single market, the Commission has faced the challenges of the dynamic market; thus responding quickly and effectively to the new conditions created by the development of industries, new technologies and global society. In Macedonia, the development of competition is strongly influenced by the EU competition law. The entire competition law system is based on EU rules and standards. This paper provides an analysis of national competition law vis-à-vis EU competition law, with a focus on merger control as one of the mechanisms for effective competition protection. Since there is a lack of academic discussion on the topic in Macedonia and in order to see where we stand and in which direction our national competition law goes, this paper will elaborate on competition policy and competition law in relation to merger control in particular. In addition to the theoretical approach, the paper provides an analysis of merger control by the competition authorities in Macedonia and the European Union as well. This analysis provides an opportunity to draw conclusions and recommendations regarding the approach, policy and dedication to market mergers and acquisitions. The European comparative perspective, both in terms of legislation and in its enforcement of competition law, provides relevant data on how much legislation is in place and in what direction merger control in Macedonia is going, in relation to EU merger control trends. Finally, this paper makes a modest contribution to understanding the concept of protection from harmful concentrations, the level of development of competition law and competition policy in Macedonia.
Panev K, Zdraveva A. Access to Free Legal Aid in the Republic of Macedonia, in 5th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World".Vol 1. 5th ed. Shtip, Macedonia: Goce Delchev University in Shtip; 2018:3-20. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The idea of the paper is to determine how the free legal aid system is an effective mechanism for ensuring equal access to justice for all citizens in the Republic of Macedonia. The paper includes an analysis of the existing system and an overview of the use and availability of free legal aid to those who need it. The right to access to justice is one of the fundamental human rights. The state is the one that has the main role in the realization of the obligation for respecting, protecting and exercising human rights, which involves the establishment of an efficient system of free legal aid. Such a system aims to ensure equal access of citizens to the institutions of the system. The right to free legal aid is provided by persons who, due to their material status, could not exercise the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the law, without compromising their own maintenance and support of the members of their family living in a common household. Access to legal aid is part of the right to a fair trial, arising from Article 6 of the ECHR. Article 6 paragraph 3c on minimum rights in criminal cases ensures provision of free legal aid when the interests of justice so required. Hence, in addition to domestic legislation, the paper also analysies the international conventions that guarantee the right to access to justice and presents different approaches and practices for providing free legal aid. At the same time, it deals with defining the system's shortcomings in providing efficient and effective access to justice for all citizens.
Duvlis S. Achievements in implementation of IHR in R Macedonia, challenges and experience in testing the preparedness to respond of suspected case at point of entry(POE), in Best practices in implementing the International Health Regulations (IHR). Athens; 2018.
Duvlis S, Dabeski D, Ivkovski L, Bajro MH, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Association between MDM2309 (rs2279744) polymorphisms and risk for HPV persistence, cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical cancer development in Macedonian women. , in Satellite FEMS conference of 4th Congress of Microbiology .; 2018.
Ugd repository. 2018.
Zdraveva A, Panev K. Пристап до бесплатна правна помош во Република Македонија. 5th International Scientific Conference " Social Changes in the Global World". 2018.Abstract
Идејата на трудот е да утврди колку системот на бесплатна правна помош е ефикасен механизам за обезбедување на еднаков пристап до правда на сите граѓани во Република Македонија. Трудот опфаќа анализа на постоечкиот систем и преглед на користењето и достапноста до бесплатна правна помош на оние на кои им е потребна.Правото на пристап до правдата е едно од основните човекови права. Државата е таа која ја има главната улога во реализација на обврската за почитување, заштита и остварување на човековите права, кое вклучува воспоставување ефикасен систем на бесплатна правна помош. Ваквиот систем има за цел да обезбеди еднаков пристап на граѓаните до институциите на системот.Право на бесплатна правна помош имаат лицата кои, со оглед на својата материјална положба, не би можеле да ги остварат со Устав и закон загарантираните права, без да го загрозат сопственото издржување и издржувањето на членовите на своето семејство со кои живеат во заедничко домаќинство.Пристапот до правна помош е дел од правото на правична судска постапка, што произлегува од членот 6 од ЕКЧП. Членот 6 став 3в за минималните права во кривичните случаи пропишува обезбедување на бесплатна правна помош кога тоа го наложуваат интересите на правдата.Оттука, покрај домашното законодавство, трудот ги проучува и меѓународните конвенции кои го гарантираат правото на пристап до правда и презентира различни ставови и практики за обезбедување на бесплатна правна помош. Истовремено се занимава и со утврдување на недостатоците на системот во обезбедување на ефикасен и ефективен пристап до правда за сите граѓани.
Zendeli-Bexheti L, Popovska M, Duvlis S. Alterations in Oral Premalignant Lesions. Medical Journal Medicus. 2017;22(1):62-68.
Zendeli-Bexheti L, Popovska M, Stojanovska AA-, Duvlis S. Oral lichen planus and possible association with Human Papillomavirus. Acta Clinica Croatica. 2017;56(3):369-374.
Zendeli-Bexheti L, Popovska M, Duvlis S. Oral lichen planus and possible association with Human Papillomavirus. Acta Physio Acta. 2017;10(1):89-96.
Najdoski M, Stojkovikj S, Oklevski S. Potassium birnessite deposition on unfired cartridge cases. Journal of Forensic Identification [Internet]. 2017;67(2):227-242. Publisher's VersionAbstract
A new cost-effective, simple, and reproducible chemical method for the visualization of latent fingerprints on unfired cartridge cases and also on flat metal surfaces (made of zinc-plated steel. stainless steel, lead. copper. and aluminum) has been designed. This chemical method is based on a deposition of potassium birnessite on the uncontaminated metal surface in the valleys between the fingerprint ridges. The chemical deposition is performed by successive immersion (dip coating) of the cartridge cases into aqueous solutions of manganese (II) chloride and potassium permanganate. The deposited material is examined with x-ray powder diffraction analysis, and the visualization of the fingerprints is characterized on the first, second, and third level with high-resolution photography. This research was carried out on samples of 30 unfired cartridge cases of different calibers and different origins and on 5 different metal surfaces, resulting in the visualization of the latent fingerprints with very good contrast. The designed method is applicable for forensic investigations.
Dabeski D, Danilovski D, Basheska N, Stojoski M, Duvlis S, Osmani D, Antovska V, Todorovska I, Azemi M. Risk factors for squamous cell abnormalities of uterine cervix. Medical Journal Medicus. 2017;22(3):310-340.
Ramsauer B, Engels GE, Graaff R, Sikole A, Arsov S, Stegmayr B. Skin-and Plasmaautofluorescence in hemodialysis with glucose-free or glucose-containing dialysate. Bmc nephrology. 2017;18:1–7.
Листа на објавени трудови во УГД. [Internet]. 2017. Publisher's Version
Листа на објавени трудови во УГД. 2017.
